Monday, May 30, 2011

Hands up! Pwnie music on tap!

Thanks to the makers of My Lil' Ponies for this great video.

NOW, we've had some fun, lets get the click-ins going a lot better than of late.  We'll probably be taking part in a fun collective guild effort, so stay tuned for info within guild.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Pwny Express!

We've had a few changes around the clubhouse since the start of the month ... new folks, shiny new levels and  Dolgan has a new supply of Dwarven brown.  Alyxyn, however, is still chewing on Zimmi's shoes ... does anyone know how to properly house train a goblin?

  • 250:  r34lg33k, Spartytim
  • 180:  Ustarach
  • 160:  Nodok,  Cloud, WiloX
  • 150:  PhoenixRise, Red Scout, Ziglabeu
  • 140:  pepperoni, Demora


You know absenteeism has got to be epidemic when even opponents are asking us to log in for fights because they want to come up against the worthy foe they know we can be.  Come on folks!


Check your gear?  Is it outdated?  I was watching individual fights the other night ... something I admit I too often pass on ... and noted that some people were getting beaten handily by opponents they should have creamed.   So I checked a few folks.  For the most part, their stats seemed in order.  When I started checking the gear, I found some pretty outdated pieces. So I'm just going to put this out there .. don't hold onto the epic tri-stat or all-stat gear when its outdated.

How do you know that?  When your new tri-stat pieces are 5 levels above the old ones, start looking to replace the older ones.  If they are 10 levels below newer pieces, you might need to weigh options, but if it were me, I'd replace it with a single-stat piece.

No more than one 'luck' piece - you're sacrificing too many of your normal stats.

If your gear is outdated, spend a few mushrooms to flip through the shops.  You'll soon find yourself winning those fights you should and possibly winning where you are hopelessly outgunned.  For an example of winning beyond your levels, check my Hall of Fame listing (#15 currently) and look at the levels of people around me.  Same for Dolgan Elfbane (#25 currently).  I'd love to see some more Pwnies in the top ranks, so have at it .. have fun and create some new friends along the way!


New folks!  Huge welcome to Ustarach, Rizzo34, Ziglabeu and Redwood 18.  If  Alyx offers to shine your boots ... decline!  Here's a picture of what Alyx can do ..

Now, Alyx claims he only does this to Zimmi's boots ... but ... Alyx .. have you seen Zizi's closet?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fans of Cthulhu

Hey Cthulhu .. thought you should know that someone else is trying to steal your spot as Number One Fan of the squid faced god ...

According to Digital Life Today, this hat was something of a conversation stopper at the Royal Wedding. 

A conversation with Eagle Talon

Yup, it's like that sometimes!  <3 ya, bro.

Pwny Express!

Good morning!

Nothing better to start the day than a nice, clean little war, amirite?  Thanks to Darstard and the Endless Gang for providing us with early AM entertainment.  Of course, winning does take the string out of the injuries.  Onward and upward .. need to spank the Severed Crew again.  If only because Ghettoforce taunts me. -.-

We've only got a couple of milestones to note since my last post .. here goes
  • 230:  Iola  (yep, there I go tooting my own horn)
  • 140:  Pepperoni
  • If you're going on holiday or will be away more than a day or two, please let Zimmi know.  It helps when we're trying to do things like take on dungeons.  All hands on deck are needed for those.
  • Make way in the guildhall Pwnie stalls ... Ziglabeu and Ustarach have taken up bunks and are really looking forward to their first week here.  Zig and Ust .. sorry, but our newbies have to be Dolgan's flagon runners for the first week.  However, since he's a nice guy, he won't mind if you help yourself to the contents.  There will be no end to the wrath if you spill a drop though!
  • Magnumppower and WordPlay ... exceptional levelling over the past week.  Extra flgaons for both of you!
  • Ghettoforce .. we're watching you ...