Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pwny Express!

The supply of holiday shortbread available in the Captain's Cabin is running low .. and that's a good thing.  I'm actually looking forward to the vegetables of January.  Hope your holiday season is full of the things you love to indulge in ... like the pickled eggs at the Bilgewater Pub.  Let's head over there now to celebrate some special milestones with our mateys from belowdeck ...
  • 120:  PhoenixRise
  • 100:  Archman, Zairinzan
  • 70:  Rubberduck
  • Again, we've hit the 10M donation mark where further donations are useless because the game restricts it.   So those of you who continue to donate without checking this figure ... please don't.  Your gold is being uselessly frittered away.  We'll be doing dungeons again once we get a few more levels, Zimmi says, so work on that .. and keep your gold for levelling your stats.
  • Let your inner nerd loose ... debate the many kinds of wrong these pictures convey:

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas with the Cthulhu family

I dropped by Cthu's place the other night for some Christmas Eve eggnog, and I absolutely have to share with you the wreath I found on his door ...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Pwny Express!

Tired of answering the question "All ready for Christmas?" Well, Dolgan Elfbane has the answer as he taps the seasonal keg of Reindeer Red for all the Pwnies and friends. Gather round the Bilgewater Pub and sing a carol or two .. have an ale (or 10) ... and toast our fine workaholic Pwnies.
  • 190:  Iola
  • 70:  Vythika
  • To Santa Zimmi from all of us ... thank you for giving us such a wonderful gift ... a great place to call home.  
  • For the rest of you, a few scenes from my house this Christmas eve, and a wish for a wonderful time tomorrow, full of loved ones and yummy smells from the oven.  Hmm .. but not your loved ones in the oven, cause that would just be wrong.  Although some of them might deserve it. *wink*

Merry Christmas to all!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pwny Express!

It's December 21st and I'm feelin' pretty darned Christmassy.  Tonight, we'll all get together and string up some light along the masts and yardarms.  Maybe have some Kahlua and hot chocolate.    Sing some carols!  And then we'll make our crazy workaholic levellers walk the plank for fun!
  • 100:  Luiself, PrivatE
  • 90:  Smalls
  • It seems appropriate to get into the spirit of the season with a song ...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pwny Express!

Much hilarity in gchat this morning with Keldonhing, Wilcus, Jacx, Smalls, Eagle Talon and myself.  The drool scene was horrible.  Sorry if you had to witness that!  We did however, learn about Eagle's underwear preference.  Thanks for the laughs everyone.

Harr, mateys, we be havin' new crew today ta swab decks and be our cabin boys.  Order up an extra ration of grog,  Smee ...
  • New:  Mystiky (94), Panquera (93)
  • 100:  Wilcus
  • 90:  Veldis


  • I turned Smalls on to this website the other night after spending two hours with tears of laughter streaming down my face.  He cursed me for doing so because he spent two hours doing the same thing.  This is Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pwny Express!

This is been a cherry flavored December for me, for the most part.  Starting with lozenges, cough syrup, Neo Citran, and then Benylin.  I've been mostly out of touch with the rest of the hustle and bustle of December in the city.  I've done no Christmas shopping, no glutting on Christmas television specials, no decoration, no cooking or cleaning.  As a matter of fact, my husband chased me away from anything to do with food (other than consuming it) for about two weeks.  I'm pleased to say that I'm well enough to put something on other than fuzzy jammies and get out and enjoy the world again.

The big news is that while Eagle Talon and I sojourned at Izzone for a couple of days, and while my cherry flavored haze was the bright (pink) spot in my day .. you guys were all doing some pretty fantastic stuff.  Let me do a bit of a rundown:

  • 190:  Dolgan Elfbane, Eagle Talon
  • 180:  Zimmi
  • 120:  Nodok
  • 110:  Akhdar, moonshot
  • 90:  Braga, cyberx60
  • 80:  Atcher
  • 70:  nonames
  • New Members:  PheonixRise (117) and Kilbaba (101)
  • 7 Million gold donation:  Zimmi

  • I've never been known to flog a theme to death, but damn, I sure try! In keeping with our piratey goodness for December, I bring you gchat from earlier today.

    • Now, anyone have good last minute ideas for a Christmas gift for an elderly farmer?  He's still very much active with his business; has failing eyesight and refuses to see an optometrist, so books are out of the question.  He likes the 'old' country classics music and watches satellite TV.  My mom passed earlier this year, so he's enjoying being in charge of the remote now.  Oh, and it has to travel well, it will be Fedexed.

    Danger! Danger!

    Special thanks to Ghettoforce for alerting me to this very real threat!

    Pwnies prepare! This is war!!

    If you'd like to change the outcome, go here: 

    There are several more, the Hoff is there, Dokken, to name a couple.  Very hilarious!

    Monday, December 13, 2010

    Missing in Action!!

    Well, guys Iola and da Eagle should be back hopefully tomorrow night. We had to help out r34lg33k at Izzone since he was so gracious to help us with two guild dungeons. We will do our second one tomorrow afternoon and hopefully win it. They are a nice bunch and it was fun, but da Eagle missed you guys a bunch. I hope Zimmi doesn't make us muck out the pwnie stalls when we get back. he he
    I also hope da Elfbane didn't drink up all the pale ale and dwarvian brown ale whilst we were gone. The ale there was ok, but does not measure up to da Elfbanes. We gotta buff up and start giving those guys in the top 5 ranks fits.
    Ya know, absence makes the heart grow fonder...or is that absent-mindedness makes the heart grow fodder? Well, whichevah way it is....I will be glad to be home. Let the pwnies live up to their name...Let's OWN Shakes & Fidgets!! Then we will be the Top Pwnies!!

    Tuesday, December 7, 2010

    Purrrrrfectly cute!! can laugh at these if you like because I don't think I am related to anything with fur on it, just feathers. Just want to get you in a Christmas mood!!

    Merry Christmas all!

    P.S. Boy that gray tabby is a real ham!!

    Monday, December 6, 2010

    Pwny Express!

    Let's break out the eggnog and get in a round of Christmas decorating!  We'll get Chaochao to pop the popcorn to string around the tree .. don't eat it all, CC.  Paper chains will be done by Strelok and cyberx60 ... outside lights can be handled by Keldonhing, Smee and ZairanzanWilcus and Ravenna can put the lights on the tree inside while PrivatE and 181149 can frost the the porthole windows.  Dolgan and I will decorate the Bilgewater bar area.  Which means testing of the brew, naturally.  We'll get Zimmi to put the star on the tree, and Moora and  Gruel to find the glass tree ornaments.  Kalais and Eagle Talon can lead us all in Christmas carols as we get busy!  The rest of you can either make snowangels, write Christmas cards or get in the carolling choir!

    And while we're doing all that ... we'll raise a glass of sweet (fortified) apple cider to
    • 60:  Vythika
    • Since we're all about pirates this month, I thought I'd bring along a bit of Ninja humour!

    Sunday, December 5, 2010

    Pwny Express!

    It's a gorgeous winter day where I live .. a bit cool but perfect for putting up Christmas lights and stuff outside. I won't be doing that, however, still stuck inside nursing this cold and playing Shakes & Fidget.  There's an upside to everything, amirite??

    Speaking of up, we've got two members celebrating special work today ...
    • 100:  Hell Raiser
    • 90:  Starkiller
    • Hall of Fame arena time.  Don't hit that 'arena' button.  Inside, go to the Hall of  Fame and choose an opponent who is at least 1000 points above you.  That way, if you lose, your honor does not drop.  If you win, however ... massive 200 point boost!  (Actually, the breakoff is 950 points, but 1000 pts is easy to see at a glance)

    Saturday, December 4, 2010

    Pwny Express!

    So it's been a few days since I logged in here .. I've been keeping track of everyone's levels, but haven't had a lot of extra energy to post ... I caught a cold / cough while in Vancouver early this week and have been fighting it off with cold medication that mostly makes me want to sleep at all hours of the day .. even the non-drowsy stuff. Nonetheless, I'm here for the time being (read:  while I'm awake) and shaking the noise-makers!

    Toss around some confetti and break out the talking parrots .. we've got some celebrating to do!
    • 120:  Strelok
    • 90:  Archman

    • Washing your hands often over the next few days while you're handling Christmas merchandise in stores may be a good way to reduce your chance of catching a cold.  This is also the week to put your Christmas cards in the mail.  
    • Here's a great letter opener you might want to use as a gift for your animal loving friends:

    Wednesday, December 1, 2010

    Pwny Express!

    A brand new month and a whole new look for My Li'l Pwnies.  For those of you who just can't get enough pink in your life .. hold on .. it will be coming!  For this month, however, Captain Jack and the Pirate Code is in play.   We'll be boarding other ships and takin' booty, me hearties!  Pour an extra ration of grog today for ...
    • 80:  Jacx
    • 70:  Kalais
    • As we head into the rush and craziness of December in a consumer economy ... stop and remember that it is not how much money we spend on someone that really counts.  Here's an idea for a gift that your family will remember forever, and I've done this so I can tell you that after a decade, they still talk about this. 

      If you're handy with a computer ... or have a friend who is ... make up your own wine bottle labels.   Purchase wine of your choice (or if you have homemade, even better) [soak the labels off pre-purchased wine] and apply your own label.  Now ... if you can make up a two or three paragraph story to go along with the wine, that makes it even better.  In one case, my brother had styled himself the unofficial mayor of a small hamlet where we grew up, so I made up a label for that.  In another year, I made one up to go with the family dairy business.  In another, I made up a funny history for the family of my husband.  Like I said .. about three paragraphs long.  Wine under $10 each ... memories forever.
    • If you have any other ideas for inexpensive, thoughtful gifts, let me know and I can share them here.
    Kittens and balloons ... don't try this at home, kids!