Monday, December 13, 2010

Missing in Action!!

Well, guys Iola and da Eagle should be back hopefully tomorrow night. We had to help out r34lg33k at Izzone since he was so gracious to help us with two guild dungeons. We will do our second one tomorrow afternoon and hopefully win it. They are a nice bunch and it was fun, but da Eagle missed you guys a bunch. I hope Zimmi doesn't make us muck out the pwnie stalls when we get back. he he
I also hope da Elfbane didn't drink up all the pale ale and dwarvian brown ale whilst we were gone. The ale there was ok, but does not measure up to da Elfbanes. We gotta buff up and start giving those guys in the top 5 ranks fits.
Ya know, absence makes the heart grow fonder...or is that absent-mindedness makes the heart grow fodder? Well, whichevah way it is....I will be glad to be home. Let the pwnies live up to their name...Let's OWN Shakes & Fidgets!! Then we will be the Top Pwnies!!


  1. Yeah, Pwnies should be in Pwnies and not in Izzone!!! ;-)

  2. LOL ... I agree! Although its nice to help out friends!

  3. But Ghettoforce only wants us to help guilds that aren't his competitors. rofl
