Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pwny Express!

The supply of holiday shortbread available in the Captain's Cabin is running low .. and that's a good thing.  I'm actually looking forward to the vegetables of January.  Hope your holiday season is full of the things you love to indulge in ... like the pickled eggs at the Bilgewater Pub.  Let's head over there now to celebrate some special milestones with our mateys from belowdeck ...
  • 120:  PhoenixRise
  • 100:  Archman, Zairinzan
  • 70:  Rubberduck
  • Again, we've hit the 10M donation mark where further donations are useless because the game restricts it.   So those of you who continue to donate without checking this figure ... please don't.  Your gold is being uselessly frittered away.  We'll be doing dungeons again once we get a few more levels, Zimmi says, so work on that .. and keep your gold for levelling your stats.
  • Let your inner nerd loose ... debate the many kinds of wrong these pictures convey:


  1. That guy above isn't han solo - that's the dude from firefly! My inner geek knows, I've watched about 12 episodes in the last few days.

  2. Inner Geeks need let out too. Go Zizi! That's Captain Mal Reynolds of Serentiy. And "Live long, and prosper' is from Spock of Vulcan.

    Bottom one: the expression was coined by Yoda, not Dumbledore. And the picture shows Gandalf, not Dumbledore.

  3. What is firefly? I eat those on the run....I call fireflies 'drive thru' food. And who is Captain Mal Reynolds of Serentiy is he into AA? I love Yoda..he talks funny like me. And who is he related to Dumbo the flying elephant? I think Dumbo is a cousin of of my uncles offspring.
    You've gotta 'splain stuff to me ya know.

  4. LOL .. omg .. I laughed so hard. Yes, I see I must be verrry careful about making commentary here. I'll have to get back to you on the explanations!

  5. Firefly is a great scifi series that was cut short too early. Check it out on Netflix. I really enjoyed it - only 14 episodes, kinda a scifi western premise, pretty good how they meshed them together.

    Serenity is a spaceship that Reynolds is the cap'n of. :D

  6. And I expect the spaceship barred any bars since it was serenity.
    Fireflies have a very unusual culinary flavor ...they kind pop like a light bulb in your beak distributing the flavor all ovah your tongue. That isn't scifi, but it sure beats popcorn!!
