Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pwny Express!

This is been a cherry flavored December for me, for the most part.  Starting with lozenges, cough syrup, Neo Citran, and then Benylin.  I've been mostly out of touch with the rest of the hustle and bustle of December in the city.  I've done no Christmas shopping, no glutting on Christmas television specials, no decoration, no cooking or cleaning.  As a matter of fact, my husband chased me away from anything to do with food (other than consuming it) for about two weeks.  I'm pleased to say that I'm well enough to put something on other than fuzzy jammies and get out and enjoy the world again.

The big news is that while Eagle Talon and I sojourned at Izzone for a couple of days, and while my cherry flavored haze was the bright (pink) spot in my day .. you guys were all doing some pretty fantastic stuff.  Let me do a bit of a rundown:

  • 190:  Dolgan Elfbane, Eagle Talon
  • 180:  Zimmi
  • 120:  Nodok
  • 110:  Akhdar, moonshot
  • 90:  Braga, cyberx60
  • 80:  Atcher
  • 70:  nonames
  • New Members:  PheonixRise (117) and Kilbaba (101)
  • 7 Million gold donation:  Zimmi

  • I've never been known to flog a theme to death, but damn, I sure try! In keeping with our piratey goodness for December, I bring you gchat from earlier today.

    • Now, anyone have good last minute ideas for a Christmas gift for an elderly farmer?  He's still very much active with his business; has failing eyesight and refuses to see an optometrist, so books are out of the question.  He likes the 'old' country classics music and watches satellite TV.  My mom passed earlier this year, so he's enjoying being in charge of the remote now.  Oh, and it has to travel well, it will be Fedexed.

    1 comment:

    1. Send him all of Patsy Clines albums. All C&W fans love Patsy Cline.
      If she is too 'cross over' for him then find some Hank Williams Sr. oldies.
      Or get him the Western Channel for his TV.
