Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pwny Express!

It's been a rather meteroic week for us, one way and another.  Currently sitting at #4 spot, we've seen #2 a couple of times already.  Congrats for all your work, Pwnies.

And you have been working hard .. with only one exception, everyone in Pwnies has gained levels this week.  Ther are a few milestone levels to celebrate though, so be sure to congratulate these stars!
  • 190:  Keldonhing
  • 160:  Dorkk
  • 150:  Glechen, Morhdd, 181149
  • 140:  murth
  • 120:  Sir Adrea, Luiself, Mayzer, Wilcus, Archman
  • I am looking for biographical information for our members so I can put together some fun little pieces.  This is a great way to get to know your fellow Pwnies better and build a little team comeraderie.  I'm asking for:
  • First name
  • approximate age
  • Occupation.  If student, what specialty of study? 
  • birthday (not year)
  • Family:  Married, kids, pets?
  • Home City/town and something interesting about it.
  •  Something you've done that you're proud of.
  • Character bio, if you have one.  If your gender is different than your toon and you want us to know, share that too.  :)
  • A personal motto.
  • How you chose your in game name
  • Hobbies
  • favorite food, music genre
  • Something interesting about you
  • Something you've done that you're proud of.
Stealth Pwnies are everywhere!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

And here we are at the #2 spot!

What a view from up here! Wow!! 

Wondering how many times we'll bounce up and down out of this slot but it's all good - don't you all like it here?
Thanks to the guilds that lost and pushed us up the ladder farther!  We salute you!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

We went down the path to Hell and made it back! Dungeon 20 down!

Very good job all! I'm very proud of you, dungeon 20 has come and past us - and now the biggest challenge yet is upcoming 3am Pacific...Zombunny has seen fit to attack us.  We will meet their attack with as much resistance as we can muster!

Thanks Charista, we saw you initiated being the only one that was clicked in when we you had to be it. 

Oh well, Sai - I still consider us to be allies but I can't get any mail off to you since your box is full. 
No matter Sai, we'll still be nice for now, I don't see any reason to be otherwise.

Again, Pwnies - you're all great - we're doing great and destined for a lot of fun coming up!  Keep on keepin' on!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Congratulations on 3rd Rank on US Server 1 Pwnies!

Well fought my friends and a long time coming I must say. 

Now we have our work really cut out for us, we get to maintain that rank (and move up? only time will tell).  Special thanks to the folks who joined us and those who graciously moved to our sister guild.  We couldn't have done it without all of your help! 

Let's go kick some butt, Pwnie style!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bio and Gossip of r34lg33k !!

This is a mini bio of our very own r34lg33k!! He is trekkin' in Japan and has offered up just a small taste of gossip on himself.

He is the self-proclaimed g33kiest of the minions amongst us. Pale skinned and living in Okinawa he says he has more in common with the smeagol Gollum in referring to his mushrooms as 'the precious'. (I think the S&F devs force us to that mind frame)

Surprisingly, 'It' appears to have recently found love and considers getting married. One can only wonder if this is true or simply occurring in a Tron-like world he calls its mind. I know this however, that picture above of him with all the beauties is not a Tron-like image. Eat your hearts out Lil Pwnie guys!!

He spends clearly waAaay too much time on its computer and does share a love of S&F with Mag, his ole pal from Izzone.

It first met the feathered creature called E.T. ( an initially ferocious Lil Pwnie) in the arena some 6+months ago when both beasts happened to befriend each other. And the rest is history in the making!!

Thanks for joining us da G33k!!! We are having double the fun since you all came!

Pwny Express!

Four days has made such a huge difference.  We'd regained our top 10 spot when last we spoke .. since then, we've defeated two more dungeons and scrambled up the HoF ladder to where we find ourselves this morning .. Number Five, baby!!  Congrats on a job well done, all of you.

We've got some new faces and bright shiny new levels to toast .. so haul out that kegger Mr. Elfbane.  I know you keep special ales downstairs, time to tap one of 'em!
  • 230:  r34lg33k, spartytim
  • 210:  Dolgan Elfbane
  • 200:  Eagle Talon
  • 160:  Cthulhu
  • 120:  Gruel
  • 110:  Starkiller
  • New pwnies:  Vixero, dru, Mayzer, Brasileiro, Cynn, Dorkk, Mr Busta, Dogg, Cloud, Ra1th, Spartytim
  • I am looking for regular .. or somewhatish regular contributors to this blog.   Don't be intimidated - any idea can be put to work ... r34lg33k's Japan might be a good series of posts (an American in Cosplayland) Actually, g33k, it would be a good story ... you could take pictures real life examples of the 51 Japanese stereotypes and provide commentary.
  •  Most people live in an interesting area .. city, town or part of the world .. you could write about that. You could do a series on say, beers of the world, you could read a children's book on video .. almost anything can all work.  If you have an idea, just stop me when you see me walking down the guild hall - no tripping, though.  Yes venkman and rubberduck .. I am still waiting for you to step forward.
  • Today's funny comes from our gchat. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pwny Express!

The pain train is rolling and we've only just begun to make stops!  Top 10 again this morning, baby!  Whoo-hoo!

In amongst the revelry, we've got to remember to hand out an "attaboy!" and  rhinestone studded sunshades for these stars ...
  • 140:  Nodok, murth, Cloud
  • 130:  Ranson

  • New raid dungeon is set to go later this day.  Please make sure you click in and potion up :)
  • Relationships with non-guildies:  This blog sees traffic from Zombunny, Severed Tongue, Endless,  Water Deep, Adventurers, etc.  Zimmi has been on this server and well .. Eagle and I like to be goofballs with any sort of audience.  When we are attacked by other guilds, I'd prefer to see an anticipatory sort of glee as we wait to take their lunch money.  What I'm really trying to say is .. no derogatory name calling unless the group being called names can also be laughing.   Like so ...
  • The Zombunny officers go looking for late night hamburgers ...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pwny Express!

First guild dungeon with the new Pwnies is coming up today ... so hit that icon, potion up and get ready to git 'er done!  After we buff up our guild stats, we'll start hitting the guild wars and climbing the Hall of Fame ladder.   Ghettoforce and Jaraxel .. serving you notice now!  But don't worry .. we'll bring cookies or something, k?

I've been handing out sunglasses like crazy for our new stars, but I think Eagle Talon's been ordering his shades form the back of comic books .. he has a decidedly funny outlook ... see the posts below for proof!  At any rate ... we have some folks who need to take a turn on the catwalk today so we can applaud their shiny awesomeness!
  • 140:  venkman
  • 120:  PrivatE
  • 110:  Zairinzan

  • A special shoutout to r34lg33k and Magnumpower, our two newest officers.  As stated in my mail, this merger would not have proceeded without their help.  You can expect to see these two very active in helping push us along to the top.
  • A whole batch of new names to get used to seeing in our roster!  Welcome to SamanthaII, Ellah, Emanon, Alyxyn, Dorkk, Morhdd, Aleksathe5th, murth, and Ranson.  There are a few more mulling over the change, so hopefully we'll see them by the time I write the next Pwny Express.

Revisiting Starbucks!!!

After reading about 'Smee's Great Battle' in my Bird's Eye View column, one of our newest members, Aleksathe5th (or SmartAlek as da Eagle calls him or A5 as Iola calls him), decided to go hang out at Starbucks with some of his mates to see the aftermath of Lil Pwnies most famous battle and have a White Chocolate Mocha in the process. He put on his new Lil Pwnies insignia and they headed out. It was obvious as they arrived that Starbucks had tried to remodel after the raid only to make a greater mess of it.
Once Alek parked his lil blue tiger they sauntered up to the front door only to find it locked tight! Peering through the window all he could see were huge fear-filled eyes peering back at him. Magnumpower, who was one of the hanger-outers with him yelled out, "Are you open?"
The only response he heard was many loud whimpers inside. One cashier in particular who was hiding under a table kept mumbling ovah and ovah, "No, No!! Please!! Not again!" Which was followed by more whimpering. The reaction is probably understandable since Magnumpower was the one doing the peering in about then and that would definately evoke a fearful outcry (Understandable if you have seen his picture in a previous post here). That fact coupled with the previous raid had to cause great panic within. Needless to say they got no coffee that day!

Alek is an unusual breed of bird as you see in the picture below. He is proud as a peacock of his heritage judging from his tail feathers and I would suggest strongly that if you ever get to feeling antsy while around him then don't get close to that bird!! Cause that just makes him hungry.
Ole r34lg33k stood too close to Alek and being the chameleon that he is began immediately blending into a peacock tail feather shade. Aftah he stepped away from Alek, I swear even his skin looked confused.

I am guessing we have to change our snacks in the Pub now. We have peanuts, boiled eggs and popcorn and now I suppose we must add ants. I tried adding some ants yesterday but they kept crawlin' out of the bowl. *scratching* I think a few escaped into my plumage. I only hope that SmartAlek can find all the loose ants. If you see one...don't step on it. What is one persons ant sting is another persons hors d'oeuvres. ( a little Eagleism)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cut it Out Iola!!

That wand of yours is gonna getcha in trouble, m'lady!! I woke up outta my afternoon siesta and danged if I didn't look like this: I can't fly like that I keep stinging myself. I will be good.
New members you gotta watch out for her 'stick' is wicked!!

Oh yes, can anyone of the new members tell me who this guy is? I got your pictures but no name on this one. Maybe no one wants to own up to it?

New guild mates?

Ok, I have been checking around to see if I could get some pictures of our new guild mates.
It turns out that some of them might be related to me 'cause they have feathers!!! Also it is said that we can usually relate to anyone by the 'six separation theory'. Howevah, their lineage must be really 'interesting' cause I have nevah seen birds like this!!
First we have r34lg33k (bettah known as da G33K). He is a bit of a chameleon!! You can hardly see him when you put him among a flock of HOT pink female birdies!! Ask him to see THAT picture.
Then there is magnumpower!!
He looks like his name ....scary!! That is one bird with a bite for sure!!
Last but not least is SamanthaII. A hunter if evah I saw one and I have seen plenty.
S&F bettah watch out 'cause this birddog CAN hunt!! Da Eagle knows from experience.
In da Eagles world everyone has wings and feathers... pink sparkley ones if at all possible!!
Da ninja owl, Iola, and our own Z still won't put on pink sparklies for me. *sniff*
Welcome all our new birdies and I hope we take home all the top worms on guild HOF.

Whew .. back on track

Okay, through much frantic messaging and acting as go-between, I've managed to help Zimmi and Magnumpower move the merger forward again.

Zimmi is not seriously ill folks .. she had a minor abdominal operation a few weeks ago that is taking its sweet time to mend, and causing extra exhaustion while she's also trying to deal with an insecure and micromanaging supervisor at her workplace.  She'll be back shortly ... the same sweet Zizi that we know and adore.

Many new Pwny faces should be showing up today .. I sent out invitations before heading off to bed.  WAIT.  No, no, not like that.  Dirty minds!  Tsk tsk.  Dolgan .. I'm looking at you, dwarf.

To all our new Pwnies .. you are very warmly welcome.  We hope you enjoy your stay here as well as our website and the antics of Eagle Talon.  Who will probably have antics regardless, he's Texan and just can't help himself!

If you have any questions at all, please send me a mail.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ack ... train derailed

I've sent an ingame mail to all guild members, but in case you only get a chance to access the website during the day, I'll just say that I'm hastily working with members of Izzone to get everything back chugging along up the track.  Well, I'm more hoping for light rail rapid transit, but right now, I'll settle for a steam powered forward motion.

Things have become derailed due to time differences between Zimmi and her counterpart in Izzone for reasons which have been explained.  We'll get it back under control, hopefully by this evening!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Pwny Express!

I don't  have a ton of time this morning since I'm supposed to already be off to the grocery store and about my Monday errands .. but I wanted to be sure to welcome a couple of new members to the Pwny Corral ...

  • R34lg33k (227)
  • Magnumpower (192)
Tossing you a both a pair of sunglasses so you can look as cool as your new teammates!  And as a reminder of how cool we are .. I'll give you Eagle Talon's picture again.

Yes, we're *that* cool.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pwny Express!

Here we are again!  Things seem to be a bit slower as we all settle into February ... Groundhog Day was favorable ... four out of five of our rodent soothsayers proclaimed an early end to winter.  For me, I can't wait to put away my raincoat and umbrella!

Rising stars today .. just one who reached a milestone level, so we'll hoist a beer and toast to continued greatness ...
  • 120:  Hell Raiser
  • Zimmi has sent around a note letting you know what will happen with the merger, but if you have any additional questions, please ask her. It should be happening shortly.
  • Speaking of rodents (yes, we were so! see above) ... I found this little gem on Vimeo .. this is probably the Zombunny officer group on vacation together. I want to see more adventures guys .. keep it up!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pwny Express!

Wow .. it's been a little over a week since my last post and we've got a whole batch of changes, not the least of which is this month's girly theme.  Love her or hate her, you have to admit Gaga has style.  (Some of which should be left at home, no doubt)  At any rate, enjoy the pink, Zimmi .. I've done this out of love for you.

By the way, I'm trying something new with fonts, so if you see anything that looks really, really off-kilter, please let me know and I'll go back to using those same 5 boring old fonts.

So, I see you, Pepperoni, and your fast five levels over the last ten days.  Well done!  And there are a slew of other folks who've ground out four levels.  Huzzah!!  Here's our list of cool  ... sunglasses-at-twilight cool  ... stars to begin the month ...
  • 180:  Keldonhing
  • 130:  PhoenixRise
  • 120:  Mordath, Demora
  • 110:  Archman, Pepperoni, Luiself, Ram987
  • 100:  Veldis
  • 90:  Atcher
  • 80:  Rubberduck

  • You'll all have received the mail from Zimmi asking about a merger prospect.  Please take the time to get back to her.  Mergers and changes often make the difference with success in this game.  We've slid from our comfy Top 10 spot because other guilds are making changes around us and becoming stronger.  I'm of the opinion that this is something to consider.  
  • So tell me .. what are you doing for Valentine's Day?  Anything special, up to and including dropping worms in the nest of your heart's desire?  I know, I know .. sounds icky, but Eagle Talon can probably make that seem romantic.  Here's a wee look at romance, ninja style ...