Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pwny Express!

Here we are again!  Things seem to be a bit slower as we all settle into February ... Groundhog Day was favorable ... four out of five of our rodent soothsayers proclaimed an early end to winter.  For me, I can't wait to put away my raincoat and umbrella!

Rising stars today .. just one who reached a milestone level, so we'll hoist a beer and toast to continued greatness ...
  • 120:  Hell Raiser
  • Zimmi has sent around a note letting you know what will happen with the merger, but if you have any additional questions, please ask her. It should be happening shortly.
  • Speaking of rodents (yes, we were so! see above) ... I found this little gem on Vimeo .. this is probably the Zombunny officer group on vacation together. I want to see more adventures guys .. keep it up!


  1. Hey, how did you sneak images from our annual personnel training sessions? I am clearly distressed that you have connections akin to ZOMBUNNY-WIKILEAKS - I demand a hearing!

  2. Oh, I have much more dirt on this washing machine ploy of yours, JimJones. Oh yes .. the public shall see!

    Stay tuned for more Bunnileaks!

  3. My take on it is one too many of da Elfbanes famous brown ales!!!

  4. How many fluffy kitties, eeer bunnies have you attempted to strangle and left severely depressed in your mission to destroy the bunny?

  5. None strangled. Yet. Mwahhahahahahaha ... *gets a grip* Whew. I'm okay now. Daydream outta control for a moment. I'll be fine - don't be concerned. Well, not until you see us in your rear view mirror. *wink*

  6. Ponders the term... 'rear view mirror'. Does that mean a mirror that views my rear? Or someone elses rear?
