Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bio and Gossip of r34lg33k !!

This is a mini bio of our very own r34lg33k!! He is trekkin' in Japan and has offered up just a small taste of gossip on himself.

He is the self-proclaimed g33kiest of the minions amongst us. Pale skinned and living in Okinawa he says he has more in common with the smeagol Gollum in referring to his mushrooms as 'the precious'. (I think the S&F devs force us to that mind frame)

Surprisingly, 'It' appears to have recently found love and considers getting married. One can only wonder if this is true or simply occurring in a Tron-like world he calls its mind. I know this however, that picture above of him with all the beauties is not a Tron-like image. Eat your hearts out Lil Pwnie guys!!

He spends clearly waAaay too much time on its computer and does share a love of S&F with Mag, his ole pal from Izzone.

It first met the feathered creature called E.T. ( an initially ferocious Lil Pwnie) in the arena some 6+months ago when both beasts happened to befriend each other. And the rest is history in the making!!

Thanks for joining us da G33k!!! We are having double the fun since you all came!


  1. "Initially ferocious" !??? I am still ferocious. *posing ferociously*

  2. Of course. If no one else will then I definately will. Can't evah say that da Eagle doesn't try to keep the conversation going now can ya? Besides I was just reporting what da G33k said. I had to respond to that.
    Besides this is the Rovin' Retorter column. Anyone can report and/or retort.

  3. LoL and for the keen eyed ones, in the picture.. all trannies behind me hihihi

  4. I was noticing that myself. Yes, it says Danny Boivin and something something trannies... I did a double looksie. They sure don't look like trannies LOL. Guess that's why they're good at it.

  5. Okay, the question begs to be asked. What are you doing in Japan with a group of trannies?

  6. LoL its a thing to do hihihi
    some people drive Prius and try to save the planet, i pose for pictures with trannies HA!HA!
    Work brought me here, Love kept me here =) not a tranny mind you hihi
    the tranny show was a friend's fun idea of a weird night out.. and it sure did accomplish that (^_^) never went back to that club but it sure did make for a funny pic. they might not look like men, but they do sound like it. only thing trannies cant change are adams apple & vocal cords LoL cheers!

  7. *light bulb goes on after a loooonnnng time* ahh trannies...NOW I get ya...geesh!! Sure fooled da bird brain in me.
