Saturday, January 1, 2011

Pwny Express!

We're off and running for a new year ... at the starting gate, chomping at the bit to settle into a strong gallop and charge our way to the Winner's Circle.  We've had a number of fantastic guild battles lately, and we start the Year #10 in the Shakes and  Fidget Hall of Fame.  Our average guild member level is Level 110 now, which is well above the level 87 it was when I started to record daily levelling.  

The beginning of the year sees quite a number of people making the big push over into three digit numbers, and Elfbane poised on the brink of our first Level 200 achievement.
  • 170:  Keldonhing (Glad your computer loves you again)
  • 130:  venkman
  • 100:  Laguna, Mystiky, Panquera, Pepperoni
  • 80:  Killishandra
  • Who doesn't love a geeky good theme?  Welcome to Spock month, full of an optimistic sense of futuristic wonder.  I hope 2011 holds many good surprises, fantastic outcomes and a satisfying amount of jingle in your pocket.
Live long, and prosper


    1. Is that a futuristic iPod he has hanging on his belt?? Gotta have one of those!! Will help with my landings......well, I may crash more texting and stuff...

    2. /facepalm. Eagle, we need to get you up to speed on Trek culture. That's a scientific instrument of wonder called a 'tricorder.'

      And lol @ texting with talons. I can see you doing this. Myopically alternating between phone and horizon.

    3. Hope they don't ban textin' in the air lanes. I would be a sad fowl indeed!
