Monday, January 17, 2011

Pwny Express!

For those not blessed enough to live in the warmer climes of their country, you're probably enjoying snow shovelling, a toasty fireplace and hot cocoa.  Well, here on the good Starship Pwnie .. we're enjoying partying the evenings away and we've got a fantastic batch of new folks to help us do just that!  Let's celebrate with some wild Vulcan music (zomg, nerdgasm) and an blue ale from the farthest reaches of the Milky Way.
  • 150:  Jaxey  (Grats, Smee!)
  • 130:  Nodok
  • 100:  Cyberx60
  • New Pwnies!  Mordath (116), Demora (115), Sir Adrea (112), Kenya24 (111), Ram987 (109) and last, but not least .. Magglioo98 (40)

  • With the addition of some more 100+ players, we'll be looking at taking on a new dungeon again.  Please potion up for the occasion if you can :)
  • A special shout out to Ghettoforce, who likes to check in on us to wave a friendly hello.
  • And now ... another of Eagle Talon's uncles make it in the movies ...


  1. Well, I have one less uncle now...boy was he a klutz!! Wonder where he got it?
