Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pwny Express!

New month, new theme, new levels for batches of Pwnies.  In the event you don't recognize the fellow in our header this month, this is Pan from Pan's Labyrinth.

We've had some milestones on the levelling ladder in the last few days ... lift a glass of bubbly to these fine fighting fellows ...
  • 160:  Moora
  • 150:  Aleksathe5th
  • 130:  Akhdar
  • 120:  Pepperoni
  • 110:  Brasileiro
  • I'm still looking for bio information for you guys and I won't stop pestering you until I have it.  Officers, this means you in particular.  :D
  • Here's a little funny I found and laughed my butt off.  Enjoy!


  1. *awaits the new pwnies to start using this nice feature called "post a comment"*

  2. I've seen spam on tightly controlled boards, Ghetto. I'd love to open this up, but if I do, I might get riff raff worse than your friendly mug showing up here.

  3. Let me see if there's a way to give you commentary privileges without making you an author on my boards.

  4. still waiting for the new pwnies to post though =P

  5. Now that's too funny, the dueling msg boards are hilarious. I wonder how far apart they are - maybe across the street from one another. I'll have to utilize google and find out!
