Friday, April 29, 2011

Pwny Express!

A few of us dropped by the Izzone clubhouse this week - we pumped a bit of iron, jacked ourselves up an Gatorade and headed into the dungeons full of steam and a bit high on too many eletrolytes. Two dungeon bosses fell to us before we sobered up.  The good news is that Izzone now has bonuses of 140% and a much fuller cashbox thanks to everyone being so giddy and lightheaded.

It was nice to see and chat with all the Pwnies who'd gone over to Izzone.  Rubberduck says hello to everyone!

Now, while we were gone, we had busy Pwnies too ..
  • 230:  Dolgan Elfbane
  • 210:  Eagle Talon, Magnumpower, Keldonhing
  • 150:  vixero
  • 140:  Mordath
  • 130:  dru
  • Welcome to omGeo and WordPlay, both in the 140s.  We see your style of grammatical fun and like it!  If you want to get involved with our blog, just let me know.  We can arrange authorship for the small price of beers.  Let's talk :D
  • Januay 1, 2012 marks a special day for r34lg33k .. that's the day that his new child is expected to change his life forever.  As Eagle Talon noted .. full of squawking and dirty diapers .. kind of like his nest.  Don't ask .. please god, don't ask him to explain that.   In September, if you're in Japan, you're welcome to g33ks wedding celebration.  Plan it now!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Pwny Express!

Hmmm .. we need more folks posting here, don't we?  If you've got a hankering for everlasting web fame, simply send me a tell and we'll get you all sorted out for authorship.  o.0  No, not you, Ghetto.  o.~

Dig out the Easter bonnets and finery for the Pwnies who've been levelling ... then pour them a stiff drink, cause they look silly!
  • 200:  Zimmi The Wonderful
  • 170:  Moora, Dorkk
  • 150:  Koshka, BloodShadow
  • 130:  Kenya24


Pwnies on Spring Break!  A few of us may be enjoying sunny beaches or sipping too many martinis.   Come on guys .. buff up your levels and let's start talking some real turkey to our opponents.  Ghettoforce for one, is a genuine gobbler. Ha ha, see what I did there, Ghetto?

Eagle Talon has buffed up!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pwny Express!

Man, oh man .. it's like Spring reared it's head and now everyone's in motion.  I've got lots of levelling action to tell you about.  So sidle up to a bar stool and line up the Gimlets!

  • 210:  Samantha II, Magumpower (you should totally have a superhero costume to go with that name)
  • 190:  Ellah
  • 170:  Alyxyn the Ebil Goblin
  • 160:  Smee! (okay, okay, Jaxey .. if you must), Morhdd
  • 140:  Akhdar, Hell Raiser, PrivatE
  • 130:  Pepperoni, (queue Batman theme) Na na na na na na na na ... Archman!

  • A very warm welcome to Red Scout.  Red hails from Wichita and has a shihtzu named Bing.  It's taken him (Red, not Bing) a while to find me again, but I'm happy to be reunited with this happy redhead!
  • Alas for Eagle Talon.  We all know he has a fondness for pink sparklies.  As I've been discussing with Ghettoforce, its just not right that all the pink sparklies in the game belong to someone who's not even in our guild.  Tsk Tsk.  Therefore, Momie, you have a standing invitation to join us here at My Lil Pwnies so you can wave that wand in Eagle's face and tease him on a daily basis.  Or even hourly .. your call.  We'd even give you your own barstool .. it's kinda like a pwny stall of your very own.  Let's drink to that, shall we?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pwny Express!

It's definitely Spring around the guildhall .. you can tell because the piles of empties outside the back door are leaning precariously.  Zimmi, you have to tell our new people its their job to take those into the recyclers.  That, and make sure I get a good foot massage every day.  Elves have very tender tootsies, yanno.

We've had some Pwnies hit milestone levels in the last few days.   Give them a big hand and a belini!
  • 220:  Iola
  • 130:  Gruel, Sir Adrea

Friday, April 1, 2011

Pwny Express!

I have no idea how the hell April 1st snuck up on me.  But there it was this morning on my desktop calendar like a dark and dirty monster from under the bed.  I actually checked my online calendar before I'd believe it.  Here I was blithely going along, thinking it was the 30th and I had one more day before having to knuckle down and get my new Pwnies  theme together.   Somehow, a couple of dates have passed me by .. but that's okay .. it just means my life is pretty darned stress free.

I've got a whole batch of people to shine the batlight on.  This month's cocktail parties will be hosted by Zimmi since Dolgan is a man of many beers .. and not too much city polish.  Dwarves just don't understand napkins when a sleeve works just fine to wipe the beer foam off a 'stache.  So yea .. Zizi has the Manhattans and  chocolatini blenders ready to go .. so we'll just get her to get those in action while I list off our super pwnies ..

  • 240:  Spartytim
  • 220:  Cynn
  • 200:  Keldonhing
  • 190:  Emanon
  • 150:  Cloud, venkman
  • 140:  PhoenixRise
  • 130:  Demora, Pepperoni, Killbaba
  • 120:  Brasilerio

  • We said goodbye to some inactive members this month, and we're sad to see you go, guys.  If you decide to play again, please get in contact with Zimmi.
  • New Pwnies .. we're quite excited to have WiloX, Kashka, Bloodshadow and Sentapya join us.  Enjoy your stay!
  • A move over to Izzone to help with dungeons is in the works, so be prepared for a large scale move one day .. which means Pnwies will drop in the rankings, but hey .. it will be fun getting back to our spot on the ladder.  *waves to Ghettoforce, Jaraxel, Darstard*  We'll get a blender full of drinks ready for you guys too .. we'll all be able to brag about our deeds.