Friday, April 1, 2011

Pwny Express!

I have no idea how the hell April 1st snuck up on me.  But there it was this morning on my desktop calendar like a dark and dirty monster from under the bed.  I actually checked my online calendar before I'd believe it.  Here I was blithely going along, thinking it was the 30th and I had one more day before having to knuckle down and get my new Pwnies  theme together.   Somehow, a couple of dates have passed me by .. but that's okay .. it just means my life is pretty darned stress free.

I've got a whole batch of people to shine the batlight on.  This month's cocktail parties will be hosted by Zimmi since Dolgan is a man of many beers .. and not too much city polish.  Dwarves just don't understand napkins when a sleeve works just fine to wipe the beer foam off a 'stache.  So yea .. Zizi has the Manhattans and  chocolatini blenders ready to go .. so we'll just get her to get those in action while I list off our super pwnies ..

  • 240:  Spartytim
  • 220:  Cynn
  • 200:  Keldonhing
  • 190:  Emanon
  • 150:  Cloud, venkman
  • 140:  PhoenixRise
  • 130:  Demora, Pepperoni, Killbaba
  • 120:  Brasilerio

  • We said goodbye to some inactive members this month, and we're sad to see you go, guys.  If you decide to play again, please get in contact with Zimmi.
  • New Pwnies .. we're quite excited to have WiloX, Kashka, Bloodshadow and Sentapya join us.  Enjoy your stay!
  • A move over to Izzone to help with dungeons is in the works, so be prepared for a large scale move one day .. which means Pnwies will drop in the rankings, but hey .. it will be fun getting back to our spot on the ladder.  *waves to Ghettoforce, Jaraxel, Darstard*  We'll get a blender full of drinks ready for you guys too .. we'll all be able to brag about our deeds.

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