After reading about 'Smee's Great Battle' in my Bird's Eye View column, one of our newest members, Aleksathe5th (or SmartAlek as da Eagle calls him or A5 as Iola calls him), decided to go hang out at Starbucks with some of his mates to see the aftermath of Lil Pwnies most famous battle and have a White Chocolate Mocha in the process. He put on his new Lil Pwnies insignia and they headed out. It was obvious as they arrived that Starbucks had tried to remodel after the raid only to make a greater mess of it.
Once Alek parked his lil blue tiger they sauntered up to the front door only to find it locked tight! Peering through the window all he could see were huge fear-filled eyes peering back at him. Magnumpower, who was one of the hanger-outers with him yelled out, "Are you open?"

The only response he heard was many loud whimpers inside. One cashier in particular who was hiding under a table kept mumbling ovah and ovah, "No, No!! Please!! Not again!" Which was followed by more whimpering. The reaction is probably understandable since Magnumpower was the one doing the peering in about then and that would definately evoke a fearful outcry (Understandable if you have seen his picture in a previous post here). That fact coupled with the previous raid had to cause great panic within. Needless to say they got no coffee that day!
Alek is an unusual breed of bird as you see in the picture below. He is proud as a peacock of his heritage judging from his tail feathers and I would suggest strongly that if you ever get to feeling antsy while around him then don't get close to that bird!! Cause that just makes him hungry.

Ole r34lg33k stood too close to Alek and being the chameleon that he is began immediately blending into a peacock tail feather shade. Aftah he stepped away from Alek, I swear even his skin looked confused.
I am guessing we have to change our snacks in the Pub now. We have peanuts, boiled eggs and popcorn and now I suppose we must add ants. I tried adding some ants yesterday but they kept crawlin' out of the bowl. *scratching* I think a few escaped into my plumage. I only hope that SmartAlek can find all the loose ants. If you see one...don't step on it. What is one persons ant sting is another persons hors d'oeuvres. ( a little Eagleism)