Friday, November 5, 2010

Pwny Express!

Friday!!!  Reason enough to raise a glass of beer at noon, amirite?  And also, some people did some special stuff yesterday ... hallmark levels!
  • 130:  Glechen
  • 70:  Pepperoni

  • Eagle Talon and I were talking today about character development in stories ... and then the subject subtly shifted to stories behind our own characters.  How'd Moora get that scar, what's Archman the dark elf doing wandering the wastes with only his bow and a raptor for company?  Where does Dolgan go when he's not here pouring beer?  Why do Zimmi and Iola look like they share a stylist?

    Think about it for a few minutes .. jot down some notes about your character's background .. and share them with us.  It will make for some hilarity in guild chat, I assure you.