Monday, November 15, 2010

Pwny Express!

The Pwny stable has been quite unreasonably quiet the last few days, although I am stealthily sneaking up on Dolgan, looking to claim that # 2 stall.  Kalais, at the other end of the barns, has been drawing inexorably closer, gobbling up oats and getting bigger.  We're waiting for you at this end, Kal .. keep up the good work!

Get out the good blankets and fresh hay .. we've some new pwnies to impress!

  • New Pwny: Hell Raiser (90), Wilcus (88)
    • Eagle Talon is still looking for contributions for Thanksgiving.  Is there someone out of guild that makes your day?  Would you like to send them a shout out?  Send Eagle the information for his Thanksgiving post.  If you just want to give a high five to a guild member, that's okay too .. send the kudos to Eagle and he'll see that they're included.
    • Rubberduck .. where are you?  I have pictures to use, damnit .. and you promised us a story.  :)


    1. Why is da rubber ducky trying to look like da Eagle? Is he an unknown relative that I am only findin' out about?
