Monday, November 8, 2010

Pwny Express!

Caped crusading pwnies sometimes have to celebrate by having the butler bring in champagne and expensive delicacies. Oh, and those wee sammiches.   Oh well, if it must be that way .. then so be it.  I can live life like Riley for a bit.  As long as my beer guzzling days are not forever behind me, I can put up with a bit of batcave class.  *snicker*  Today, we tink our glasses together for
  • 80:  Archman
  • 70:  Hell and me8
  • Does anyone else besides me do the Batman music when they see Archman's name?
  • Today, we welcome another author to our blog ... Rubberduck, which has given me a rather large responsibility -- as resident cut-up -- to parade a goodly selection of rubber ducks for your enjoyment.  Rubberduck himself is an author of short stories he will be sharing with us or like his comrade in feathers, Eagle Talon .. making it up as he goes along.  Look forward to Tales from the Tub.
Eagle .. isnt' this your grad picture?   Topknot sticking straight up,
beady eyes, hawk nose, missing feathers, and grand scheme
to master time travel.  Hmpph!  It *is* you!


  1. I thought I had left those days behind forevah!! Or should I say left them "forward" forevah!! I either came backward or forward in time (I could nevah decide) and got STUCK here!! I think that was when I became an eagle. I musta passed thru a time warp passing thru a covey of eagles and came here a changed eagle. My memory fails me..again!! But my tails NEVAH fail me..eerrr tales that is. Don't you like my old hairdo...luckily I kept the handsome style.

  2. I really do miss my mullet though!!
