First I want to apologize for trippin' in battle the other day. (Weeping profusely at the memory) Howevah, blame it on a chipped talon. I was in the midst of battle with four Heart Warriors the other day and had dispatched all but spc and Crazygoowy, when suddenly an axe landed on my already tender talon...It chipped my pink sparkley polish....I have to tell you da Eagle came unglued!!!
In a fit of Eagle Rage I did in spc and was about to do the same to Crazygoowy but I tripped ovah my sore talon. It sent me rolling and the evil mage "wanded" me in an unmentionable place everytime I rolled. We lost!! (Sobbing uncontrollably again). *sniff* Forgive me. *sniff*
Nevertheless, for several days after I could not drop my bombs on the enemy very accurately. One day I aimed for the lead guy in battle and instead hit his comrade in battle next to him. I am not sure who she was, her face was rather covered in white birdy poop, but she had a big monogrammed "C" on her griffin's bridle. Tole ya my aim was off big time. Oh well, all is fair in Shakes and Fidgets, so they say.
I would tell you another Eagle tale about our own wonderous mage, Stargaezr, and how he saved the Eagle from a lifetime of chipped talons with a spell, but I will save that tale for another day. I only wish he had told me *PaKawk* about ALL the side effects!!! *PaKawk*
Stay tuned for further Eagle Tails...err....tales
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