Friday, October 29, 2010

Pwny Express!

Gosh, it seems like half the guild has taken a deep breath of fresh air or something.  Levelling has become a bit stalled ... maybe you're off preparing Halloween costumes?  Well, get back here .. we'll all munch on caramel popcorn balls, toffee, chocolate bars, licorice .. and get quite fat and sassy as we knock off a few more levels!

Make sure you fill Harsh Reality's candy bag with special goodies today for his big celebration
  • 100:  Harsh Reality
  • Candy weekend is fast upon us and if you've dressed up for Halloween, share your pictures with us!   Upload them to photobucket or someplace like that and send a link to Zimmi or me .. we'll post your costumes here!

Feel free to put some of these in my candy bag!


  1. Every year at Halloween I am paiting something. This year not, because I had broken fingers :(

    Last year painting :)

  2. That's great work, Kal! You're a man of many talents, it seems :D
