Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Hello guildies and those doomed to 'walk' and not fly. Time for another Eagle tale. Have you evah wondered why these tales get longer with the telling? hmmm

I left you wondering about the antics of our own wondrous mage, Stargaezr. Well as it happens he arrived in the guild as I was drowning my sorrows ovah my tripping incident with a flagon of Dolgan Elfbane's dwarvish brown ale. Crying in my ale, as only a true Texas Eagle can, listening to the Eagles sing a woeful rendition of something or other. He of course asked me what the matter was and, being Eagle, I of course told him and told him and told him. Till he finally said, "Enough already for crying out loud!". He, being the kind and gentle mage that he is, said that he had a spell for just such a situation. He could give me unchipable talons!!! I said, WOW!! Really!!? Lets do it!!

After that declaration, he said, "Well, I have never done it before, but I think I can. You will have to follow my instructions to the letter. First you need to get on top of an obscure rock and yell, 'I am Woman. Hear me Roar!!'." Gulping hard, I said, "But...but...I am MAN!! Couldn't I say ' I am Man. Hear me Beg!!'. " He said, "No, no! That is a whole nuther spell...it makes you big in the middle and want to lay around all day on the sofa with the remote." I said, "Well I already do that!! OK then, let's get er done." Then I looked to make sure no one else was around. He said, "By the way, I should mention that there are some side effects. You may be prone to an occasional hissy fit and have an insatiable appetite for chocolate." He said some other stuff but I heard nothing after the word chocolate. "Just as long as it isn't a conniption fit I could handle it", I said, "cause I saw a conniption fit once when in Griffin Riders and boy I don't evah want to look like that!"

With more than a little trepidation I got on top of an obscure rock and yelled, "I am Woman. Hear me Roar!!", as loud as I could without attracting too much attention. Stargaezr took his wand and began gyrating all ovah the place speaking unmentionable things and then ..POOF...tingling began in my top knot feathers and continued down to my feetsies. I looked down and was blinded by the glare off my new talons...they were stainless steel talons...long and deadly!!! Wooo Hooo!!!

Stargaezr looked shocked! He said, " Wow, I never knew I could do THAT. It turned out better than I could even imagine." He pranced around looking all aglow from his successful spell. I began testing my talons out. Letting them out one by one...*pling...pling...pling..pling*. I guess it was the last pling that got him, but Stargaezr yelled and said, " Pull those things back in will ya, you just stabbed me." opps!! My guess is that he won't be sitting for a week or more.

Needless to say I was very appreciative to Stargaezr and he was quite relieved. Don't think he really knew what the outcome might be. I only have a couple of complaints about my new talons...I keep stabbing myself! I am running out of bandaids ....could someone send me some Loony Tunes bandaids asap?

The other complaint is that Stargaezr failed to mention *PaKawk* one side effect.
I occasionally get *PaKawk* strange loud noises that jump right out of my Eagle beak and ....well...you may have noticed that now we have an unlimited supply of boiled (or raw depending on your preferences) eggs to eat with our dwarvish brown ale now.

You might tune in again later in the week. I have some real gossip to tell ya. About a trip da Eagle and three other guildies took to visit a true Texas honky tonk. And da Eagle didn't have to even stretch the truth on this one. Betcha can't guess which guildies!!

That is all my tails...err...tales for today. If you have a story or happening let me know and I will embellish it and make it a tale worth tailing....err...telling.

Eagle "Stainless Steel" Talon


  1. Umm ... I thought we were going to keep that between us ... what happens in the Honkytonk stays in the honkytonk? What happened to the sistahood? *sob*

  2. Does that mean I am an honorary 'Sista'? Wooo hooo Then you gals will do my talons free? Thats gonna save me a bundle!! You betcha.
    Don't worry though. What happened in the honky tonk can only make the legendary Iola and Zimmi even more legendary!!

  3. You have epic talons already! Can carry off small children with those. Speaking of which .. I've always liked kids .. but I've never been able to finish a whole one by myself.

  4. Bravo birdie!! Terrific story and yes I will help with your polish and sparkling talons. They will be bootiful!!
